In this, the first episode of the DiabeticReal Podcast, hostess Deborah E gives a tiny glimpse into what the podcast is and why it is. She opens the door for a peek into what is to come with stories that will intrigue and surprise and hopefully encourage you wherever you are in your journey.
- 00:00 Intro (and Disclaimer)
- 00:49 Deborah’s Introduction
- 01:56 Cindy Bidar #affiliate
- 03:04 Madalyn Sklar (Kratom Stories Podcast)
- 04:35 What to Expect
- 08:09 Closing (including Seaside Records)
Episode Credits
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Join Deborah E., multi-award-winning singer, podcaster, and
Michael Anderson:speaker, who proves that being diagnosed with a life-changing illness as a child,
Michael Anderson:along with countless hospitalizations, and a family who told everyone she'd be dead
Michael Anderson:before she reached puberty, does not have to stand in the way of a life well lived.
Narrator:The DiabeticReal podcast and the content of its websites are
Narrator:presented solely for educational purposes, and the views and opinions
Narrator:expressed by guests are theirs alone.
Narrator:They do not necessarily reflect that of the host or the podcast.
Narrator:The content is not intended to substitute for professional
Narrator:medical diagnosis, advice, or treatment, ongoing or otherwise.
Narrator:Be sure to always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified
Narrator:healthcare provider with any questions regarding your healthcare.
Deborah E:The actual pilot episode of DiabeticReal.
Deborah E:It has been a little while coming.
Deborah E:hink we began this process in:Deborah E:But we're happy to be here.
Deborah E:And I'm not a procrastinator when it comes to things like this, like podcasts.
Deborah E:In fact, people that know me know that I decide to do something,
Deborah E:and the next day, it is launched.
Deborah E:And with all my checklists and everything, I'm very thorough and perfectionistic.
Deborah E:But, DiabeticReal?
Deborah E:Has been a little while.
Deborah E:Now, first of all, you're probably wondering what is it?
Deborah E:And that's a little bit lengthier as far as answers.
Deborah E:So we will come back to that one, but I'll start with who.
Deborah E:I'm Deborah E.
Deborah E:I'm a jazz singer and that also has a lengthy answer, but we'll,
Deborah E:you'll, you'll get to know me.
Deborah E:We'll, we'll come around on that one as well.
Deborah E:Um, used to be people wanted to say Deborah the diabetic, but I am not
Deborah E:just defined by Deborah, the diabetic, although that is one aspect, and that
Deborah E:is something that we are covering in this podcast and this brand.
Deborah E:But I want to cover the when, you know, I kept thinking, "Hey, this
Deborah E:first podcast has got to be just so.
Deborah E:It's got to be perfect."
Deborah E:And that's probably it's one of the flaws I really struggle with was, you know,
Deborah E:and is this perfectionistic attitude.
Deborah E:And I think it's Cindy Bidar, I heard her talk about, Hey, you know, if you're
Deborah E:working for an employer, and he or she says, you've got to have this done by 5pm,
Deborah E:you know, perfect is good, high quality is good, but at some point, you need to
Deborah E:get that task or that project done by 5pm.
Deborah E:...because it's expected, otherwise you don't have a job or your job is
Deborah E:at least in jeopardy, and I really started to think about that and you
Deborah E:know when you work for yourself.
Deborah E:You can say, well, it's not perfect, so I'm going to work on it tomorrow.
Deborah E:And that procrastination can seep in, whether you say
Deborah E:you're a procrastinator or not.
Deborah E:It's easy to keep kind of putting it off until it's perfect, and
Deborah E:perfection, as we know, never comes.
Deborah E:You never reach that perfection level, especially those of
Deborah E:us that are perfectionists.
Deborah E:We realize that.
Deborah E:So, I started to think what, you know, What Cindy -shout out to Cindy-.
Deborah E:Thank you so much.
Deborah E:I started to think about what she was saying and I realized, you know, I
Deborah E:just got to get out there and do it.
Deborah E:And then my friend Madalyn Sklar -shout out to Madalyn- and she started a podcast
Deborah E:on Kratom and that changed my life.
Deborah E:You'll, uh, you'll, you'll hear me interviewed on her podcast,
Deborah E:and that will be coming out.
Deborah E:I'm not sure which one of these podcast episodes will come out
Deborah E:first, but, um, Well, anyway, a lot of things to share with you.
Deborah E:And I realized that, you know what, I just need to get out
Deborah E:there and get the story out there.
Deborah E:So as far as the when, Madalyn Sklar had a lot to do with, well, both Madalyn and
Deborah E:Siddy had a lot to do with just saying, "Hey, I've just got to get it out there.
Deborah E:Whether this episode is perfect or not, it's got to happen."
Deborah E:And that kind of brings us full circle to the what.
Deborah E:This brand is DiabeticReal.
Deborah E:So, as you can imagine, it has a lot to do with diabetes, but there's a story
Deborah E:behind that, and I'd like to save that for another, another podcast because it is an
Deborah E:interesting, interesting story, and it's kind of the basis of why I decided to do
Deborah E:this because it isn't just for me, it's actually because I want to go help people.
Deborah E:I know, that's such a cliche answer, I realize that.
Deborah E:But, um, there are so many people out there who need help
Deborah E:and not just the diabetics.
Deborah E:Yeah, I am partial to the type 1, and no, hey, I'm not against type 2, but
Deborah E:there are a lot of type 1 diabetics who are misunderstood, and there are a lot
Deborah E:of people out there who say, well, hey, you know, diabetes, it's the same thing.
Deborah E:Type 1, type 2.
Deborah E:I've had people come up to me and say, well, you just need to eat
Deborah E:right, and then your diabetes will be fine, and you won't have it.
Deborah E:Um, hey, Excuse me, you know, it's not the same thing.
Deborah E:I used to tell people, uh, my pancreas is just taking up space.
Deborah E:It's not functional at all, but if you guys know the size of a pancreas,
Deborah E:it's like paper thin or whatever.
Deborah E:It's not taking up space because it doesn't take up very much space.
Deborah E:So anyway, another thing that we'll talk about, I have a lot of
Deborah E:topics to cover and help as far as the education and also some.
Deborah E:Ideas now guys, if you're type 1 diabetic if you any kind of ailment
Deborah E:you have don't throw away the doctors I'm, not anti-doctor, but
Deborah E:I am pro-listening to your body.
Deborah E:So again, if we go back to What is this?
Deborah E:Yes, there's a lot of advice here that I want to share as far as what I've
Deborah E:learned in the decades of being type 1 diabetic Um, I have been practicing
Deborah E:on myself as like a picture I don't want to call myself a rat, but like the
Deborah E:lab rat or the petri dish or whatever.
Deborah E:I've been practicing on myself for many decades, like longer than
Deborah E:some doctors have been doctors.
Deborah E:Even some specialists have been specialists.
Deborah E:That doesn't mean that we discard the doctors.
Deborah E:They know stuff, too.
Deborah E:But also, you know, our bodies don't know how to read books.
Deborah E:So, our bodies are not specialists in the books that were written about
Deborah E:diabetes or any ailment out there.
Deborah E:So, we need to learn how to listen to our bodies, and that's really why I'm here.
Deborah E:So, whether you're type 1 diabetic, type 2 diabetic, um, cystic fibrosis, um, you
Deborah E:know...cancer, heart problems, whatever issue you're dealing with, even if it's
Deborah E:not medical, I want to, I want to be there to say, I'm here to encourage you.
Deborah E:So, that's the what, is I'm here to help you understand yourself.
Deborah E:If nothing else, I'm just here to, like, walk this journey with you and encourage
Deborah E:you on that path, on that journey.
Deborah E:So, let's see, we've covered the who, I'm Deborah, the what, the lengthier
Deborah E:answer, and again, that will kind of unfold as you listen to more podcasts
Deborah E:and hear my story and so forth.
Deborah E:Um, the when.
Deborah E:ed, I started this process in:Deborah E:and you're here with me now.
Deborah E:So that's kind of the when, um, the where, this is online,
Deborah E:but we're moving beyond that.
Deborah E:And, um, you'll be like front row tickets on that one.
Deborah E:So let's see.
Deborah E:Uh, And the why I do have an interesting story for you on
Deborah E:that one in the next episode.
Deborah E:So not to be, um, you know, say yes, it is to be, I'm going to
Deborah E:save some of those stories for you.
Deborah E:I'm not gonna tell you everything in the first podcast.
Deborah E:So anyway, kind of a little snippet and.
Deborah E:Letting you know what to expect in the upcoming episodes, and we will
Deborah E:call this a wrap, and we will call this a launch for DiabeticReal.
Deborah E:And thank you for joining me, and we will see you next time.
Deborah E:And this is Deborah.
Deborah E:Closing out the first episode of DiabeticReal.
Michael Anderson:Thank you for listening to this episode of DiabeticReal.
Michael Anderson:For more information about this podcast, as well as links and fun
Michael Anderson:stuff related to DiabeticReal, visit us on our website at
Michael Anderson:Now we'll listen as Deborah E.
Michael Anderson:herself sings one of her favorite songs.
Michael Anderson:Song is called, Perfectly Wonderful World.
Michael Anderson:Written by Denny Martin and Jaimee Paul.
Michael Anderson:Engineered by me, of course, your host, Michael, in our Seaside Records studio
Michael Anderson:here in lovely Los Angeles, California.
Michael Anderson:It was number one on the Reverbnation charts for over a
Michael Anderson:year and still charts very well.
Michael Anderson:So, have a pleasant moment and listen to Perfectly Wonderful World.
Deborah E:Yes, I'm living inside of this perfectly wonderful world.